Friday, December 18, 2009


I must confess that I am very reluctant to start this blog.

I have no business to market, so I don’t need to raise my profile online or to increase my visibility in search engines and above all, I don’t think I can take on the true spirit of blogging, knowing that the nature of having a blog is that you have a responsibility to consistently updating it and that you’re open to a response, whether good or bad.

However, a few things have happened over the last years that persuaded me to find a new way to “communicate” with my grown-up children. As they become adults, it is getting more difficult to talk to them and to be listened to. It has been quite a while since the last time I told them stories. I am becoming less able to share with them jokes or secrets, let alone interesting books that I have read.

Another motivation is of course my book-lover students, past and present, in Malaysia and elswehere especially in the Middle East. We wish you all the best in the book world. Share your thoughts and give us your reviews of the books that you love for interested readers.

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